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Debit Cards

Access your Achieve Financial Checking Account with an Achieve Mastercard Debit Card.

  • Make PIN based purchases.                                       
  • Signature-based transactions act like a credit card.
  • Contactless chip technology for added protection.
  • Apple Pay™ allows you to make payments with your Apple mobile device & your Achieve debit card.
  • CardControl protects your card from fraud. You can turn your card on and off, set alerts and more!
  • Access to thousands of nationwide Surcharge-Free ATMs.
  • Unlimited, free transactions at Achieve Financial ATMs.
  • View transactions with Online Banking & Mobile Banking.

Achieve CCSU Debit Card

Give Back to your school. Make a Purchase. Make a Difference.

CCSU Alumni, faculty, employees, students, and families.

Request the Achieve CCSU Debit Card and help support CCSU Students. When you make a purchase of $10 or more with the Achieve Financial CCSU Debit Card, the Credit Union will donate 10 cents back to the University - benefiting students.

Instant Issue Debit Cards

At Achieve Financial, we make sure obtaining a Debit Card is as quick and simple as possible. We offer Instant Issue Mastercard Debit Cards when you open a checking account at a local branch. You can choose from either our Achieve Financial Debit Card or the Achieve CCSU Debit Card.

Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries.

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Contactless Debit Cards

A fast, easy and secure way to pay!

Achieve Financial debit cards are now equipped with contactless chip technology, which means paying just got a lot easier. 

When you use your contactless debit cardContactless Debit Cards

Contactless cards are now available for Achieve Debit Cards and CCSU Debit Cards


A contactless card uses tap-to-pay technology that allows for close-range, contactless transactions at checkout. The card still has a magnetic strip and chip for traditional purchasing methods if contactless payment terminals aren't available at a particular merchant.

To conduct a contactless, tap-to-pay transaction, tap or hold your card 2 inches or less from the Contactless Symbol on the terminal, and encrypted card information will be transferred between the card and the reader. Some merchants may ask you to sign for the purchase or enter your PIN as well. Your purchase should be completed in seconds.

Look for the Contactless Symbol on your card and the chip reader. If contactless payment isn’t available, you can still swipe or insert your card into the chip reader to make your purchase.

Today’s contactless cards with chip technology use a secure microprocessor that generates a unique cryptographic code that changes for every transaction, just like chip cards. The contactless technology cannot be read much more than 2 inches away, so it's unlikely card information can be unknowingly captured from your card when using the contactless terminal. Just make sure you have only one contactless card near the terminal.

  • Convenience — Contactless cards are becoming more and more popular with the ease and speed of transaction the cardholder experiences at checkout. With that popularity, more merchants across the US are equipping their payment systems with contactless technology.
  • Protection — The ability to use contactless payments benefits from using the encrypted chip technology and safeguards already on the card. Plus, it reduces any physical contact the cardholder may have with the card terminal and prevents the merchant from physically handing your card.

New member? You'll receive a contactless debit card automatically when you open a Achieve Financial checking account.

Current member? Your new contactless debit card will be mailed to you when your current card expires. If you'd like a contactless debit card sooner, you can visit one of our branches listed to get a new card issued instantly.